HW Staffing Blog for Job Seekers

Why Do Office Jobs Disappear So Quickly?

Written by HW Staffing Solutions | Jan 24, 2018 2:40:57 PM

Office jobs are popular. The hours are predictable, they’re not physically demanding, there are lots of commitment options, benefits are decent, and many of them can be done remotely. Here are several other reasons why office jobs disappear so quickly.

Predictable hours

Most office jobs start in the morning and end in the late afternoon or early evening. You’re home in time for dinner or other evening plans and your body’s not exhausted from twelve hours of hard labor. This predictability is really appealing for people who crave stability and a life outside of work.

Good benefits

With stability come those perks such as paid leave, sick days, and health insurance. You can look ahead and easily plan a vacation or medical appointment—a feature you likely wouldn’t have if you were working a series of odd jobs.

Lots of commitment options

Of course with many clerical office jobs, you also often the opportunity to be hired part-time, full-time, on a temporary basis, or by some other contract stipulation. These options mean that there’s a job to fit every type of schedule or level of engagement, so they’re even more popular. People who only want to work for a few months during the summer or who can only work half days because of family obligations can find something that works for them.

Less labor intensive

If you’re not into heavy lifting in the sweltering heat, enduring frigid temperatures, or getting greasy and dirty building or repairing, then you’re probably more cut out for a job in the office. Not only will you save your back and spare your body those severe weather elements, but office jobs are also often considered more prestigious. Instead of donning a hardhat and overalls, office workers dress professionally—a classy tie and smart shoes. True, those outfits are “dry-clean only,” but the worst that happens to them is a little smudge from the ink cartridge.

Can be done from anywhere

Yes, lots of people work from home, entering data, composing and editing web content, or even fielding customer service queries. As technology improves, more and more jobs can be done remotely. That means that when you apply for certain office jobs, you might be competing with people from all around the country or even the world, and hiring managers are choosing from thousands of qualified applicants. Meanwhile, a machine operator has to be onsite, and so only a few dozen qualified and willing candidates in that geographical region apply.

 Are you looking for a new job?

Since office jobs disappear so quickly, you need to strengthen your application with some help from a recruiter. For more information on how to land an office job, check out these jobs near you!