7 Reasons Why A Student Needs A Summer Job

While the opportunity to earn money is an incentive to look for a summer job, there is more you can benefit from working during the summer. HW Staffing shares 7 reasons why a student needs a summer job.
You can gain essential, invaluable life-skills training for an inexperienced college student. Then there are the real rewards that offer life-long benefits such as building confidence. The more confident a student becomes in navigating the world of work, the better chances you have of realizing a successful future.
While these are important reasons to consider seasonal employment as a student, what do the statistics say about students taking up summer jobs?
According to a recent survey conducted by The Generation Lab, 69 percent of college students intend to undertake a summer job either full-time or part-time. More than half of the survey respondents cited they need the money earned from their summer jobs to pay for their education or personal expenses.
The same report further showed that saving money and supporting family members financially were the other common reasons students landed summer jobs.
Students’ top source to find a summer job is introductions made by friends and family. In addition to referred job boards and company career websites.
7 Reasons Why A Student Needs A Summer Job
Consider the summer job as a means to gaining a competitive advantage in life; here’s how it works:
Relevant real-world practical experience
It may not seem so at first, but student life can be considered a sheltered experience with its own unique set of challenges. The working adult world can be quite a shock unless you have experienced it before.
By providing relevant real-world experience, summer jobs can prepare students for their future in the work world. In addition, employers will always rate the hands on practical experience as an advantage for job-seekers. It is proof the candidate is familiar with the workplace and how to fit into it.
Opportunity to establish a professional network
The great value of a professional network is meeting people who can influence your career path. Research carried out by HubSpot has shown that 85 percent of jobs are secured through networking. So, while you may not remain in your summer job for the rest of your career, you can establish professional contacts with those who can introduce you to other professionals offering more desirable job prospects once you have completed your studies.
Gain good references
Today, reference letters are an essential part of the pre-employment screening process. HR managers look at reference letters from previous employers for evidence that you are reliable, thorough, easy to work with, and trustworthy. Unfortunately, without previous work experience, there is no way to provide past work references.
Develop soft skills
Almost every job description includes soft skills in the prospective job candidate. Soft skills relate to those highly desirable employability skills – essential skills that support success in the workplace: good time management, organization, interpersonal communication skills, multi-tasking, and leadership. The summer job is the perfect environment to develop soft skills future employers demand.
Gain an insider’s look into careers
Some students have a clear idea of what career path they want to take, but without experience, they may not know whether that career is the right fit. The temporary nature of the summer job is great for giving students an insider’s look into a career to decide whether or not it is a job they want to pursue. For example, a student may never discover their natural talents in sales until they try it or see that they are more suited to customer service than administrative work.
Learn responsible money management skills
There is no better teacher than real-life experience, which could not be more true than when it comes to money. The most valuable money-handling lessons occur when you begin to earn your own money through your work efforts. Hence, the consequences of not budgeting, paying bills on time, and saving for a rainy day.
Learn more about yourself
Many people can go their entire lives without knowing who they are or what they are capable of. Summer jobs can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and uncover desires such as the love of travel that may initiate a career in the travel industry or the love of cooking or baking to start a catering business.
Final thoughts
The summer job may be a temporary stop on your way up the career ladder, but this does not take away its importance. More than being a resume-filler, consider a summer job as your proven track record of how you will conduct yourself in your future job role and provide value to your next employer.
It’s more than just a job, it’s investing in your future. Search our jobs today!