Your Career Goals

Your career goal is our mission. HW Connect is where to find helpful information to support and build your roadmap to success. We focus on the employee’s perspective, your career expectations, and how to reach them.

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4 Ways to Hurdle Job Search Barriers

Every job search is bound to have it’s barriers and setbacks. After all, it’s an ambitious endeavor and if it were easy, people would be switching jobs all the time, every time they got frustrated at work. And the best ways to get your application and resume noticed is by taking the more challenging route, not by taking the easy way out. How often do online applications get lost? Or the information doesn’t save? It never makes it to the hiring manager? Here are four ways you can overcome those job search barriers.

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You Do Not Need To Spend 20 Minutes On a Job Application

Filling out job applications can be frustrating! There’s no guarantee that you’ll hear back, and sometimes it doesn’t seem worth the effort. You might fill out several dozen applications only to land one or two interviews. In fact, you might not hear back from several of them at all and you wonder whether the online application even went through. Here’s why you don’t need to spend 20 minutes on a job application and what you can do instead.

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Who Can I Use as a Job Reference?

Excellent question. A job reference is not something to take lightly. It’s tempting to put your best friend since grade school on there because you know they’ll say glowing things. Or that best friend’s mom—you’ve always been her favorite. But chances are they won’t be able to say much that’s really useful for a hiring manager. You’re a great person, sure, but can they speak to your ability to work hard, problem-solve, and overcome setbacks and failures? Maybe, but let’s err on the safe side here. Here are the best people to use as a job reference.

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What Skilled Jobs Are Hiring?

Baby boomers have filled many of our country’s skilled trade jobs for decades. But as that generation retires, those jobs need to be filled. In fact, 62% of companies are currently struggling to fill important skilled trade positions, and almost three-fourths of those companies predict that they’ll have a significant shortfall of those workers in the next few years. Some experts anticipate that 31 million jobs will be left vacant as a result of baby boomers retiring. This means that skilled trades are the way to go if you’re looking for a job! Here are skilled jobs that are hiring.

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Four Reasons to Consider a Temp Seasonal Job

A temporary seasonal job can prove to be a pretty solid opportunity for you. Many companies look to hire temporary workers because they can do so quickly, adjust their staff to fit changing demand, and give candidates a trial period while they decide whether to hire that person long-term. But without the guarantee of permanent employment, many job seekers are hesitant to apply for those jobs. Here are four reasons to consider a temporary seasonal job.

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Top Benefits of Call Center Jobs

Many companies are expanding their call centers, which means they’re looking to hire and fill those types of roles. Though ‘call center agent’ might not sound too prestigious, it’s definitely a position worth considering. You might be receiving inbound calls, helping customers troubleshoot, answering questions, or handling complaints. Or you might be making outbound calls—calling potential customers to have them answer a survey or verify information. Regardless, there are several advantages and benefits that you need to consider before you decide whether it’s the job for you.

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Community Resources for Finding a New Job

Operating a job search can be a full-time job. There are tons of avenues and resources out there and you want to make sure you’re keeping all your options open and pursuing all opportunities, you’ve got to invest a lot of time. In addition to keeping your social media profiles up-to-date and getting your resume to the right people, you need to explore all the commonly overlooked job resources. Here are six community resources for finding a new job.

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3 Reasons to Stay In Touch With Your Recruiter

Recruiters pride themselves in being skilled at nurturing a deep network and maintaining solid relationships with talented and experienced professionals. Companies rely on them to find the most qualified candidates to fill their openings, so they look to touch base from time to time to see how you’re faring. They like to know how careers are progressing and they might reach out to you from time to time. And it can be useful to you to keep in contact, too. Here are three reasons to stay in touch with your recruiter.

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Telltale Signs You Got the Job

You know that feeling—you bounce out of the interview room with confidence! You know it went well, though you can’t quite put your finger on why. You just feel good about the whole job interview and you’re pretty sure you got the job. Or that you at least impressed them. But there’s always that doubt that seeps in, that makes you question whether it really did go well. But you don’t have to wonder anymore. Here are seven telltale signs that you got the job.

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