Your Career Goals

Your career goal is our mission. HW Connect is where to find helpful information to support and build your roadmap to success. We focus on the employee’s perspective, your career expectations, and how to reach them.

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Ingenious Ways to Land New Jobs When You Need Them

The job market is getting better, but it’s still fiercely competitive out there. Unemployment is low, but jobseekers are figuring out clever ways to set themselves apart from the rest of the competition. Employers appreciate creativity as long as you can also demonstrate professionalism and that you’re serious about the job. Here are some ingenious ways to land new jobs when you need them.

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5 Ways to Show That You Are Thankful for Your Job

It’s not easy to run a company. And aside from a salary, your boss probably gets very little reward. The truth is you’re probably grateful to have a job—especially this time of year—and it’s important to show your boss that you recognize and respect their efforts and you appreciate the opportunity to be there. If you can do that, it’ll go a long way in securing your relationship with your boss and helping advance your career.

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How Can a Career Counseling Service Give Your Career a Boost?

Everyone aims to advance their careers, but it’s hard to know just how to go about it. In fact, you might not even fully understand what the next step in your career looks like or what your ultimate career goals are. Fortunately, career counselors are available to help walk you through these steps. But if you want to get the most out of career counseling, you need to do your part, too. You have to come prepared and give honest, thoughtful answers. Here’s how a career counseling service can give your career a boost.

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3 Reasons a Talent Shortage is a Fantastic Opportunity for Your Career

A talent shortage means that greater demand for talent can lead to greater opportunities. Candidates are far from desperate, so they can weigh their options and take their time exploring every possibility before accepting an offer. Meanwhile, companies have to appeal to the best, most talented candidates by showing that they’re the best place to work. Here are three reasons a talent shortage is a fantastic opportunity for you.

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How Can You Find Affordable Health Insurance and a Great Job

Having health insurance is a must nowadays! Even if you don’t have a lot of medical issues, you never know what’s ahead of you—car accident, routine surgery, pregnancy, or chronic illness. It’s not fun to think about, but it’s best to be prepared regardless. And the most surefire way to having solid health insurance is to have a good job. Here’s how you can find a great job with affordable health insurance.

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Strategies for Finding a Great Job This Fall

It’s hard to know where to start when you’re looking for a job. If you haven’t outlined a plan or narrowed down a field, you can waste a lot of time—time that could be spent earning money if you could just snag the perfect job in your desired field. But now that the summer lull is ending, it’s time to really seize your best opportunity. Companies are getting back to business at full capacity and looking to make hires who will get them through the winter months and can hang on for the long hull.

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5 Items Every Well-Written Resume Needs

Your resume is a hugely important document in your life! It’s the difference between you getting achieving the next step in your career and…not. It’s the difference between you snatching a job that fulfills your life’s goals and having a job that’s just a job. So you have to make sure it grabs the reader’s attention, that it stands out from the competition. Aside from the most obvious details—contact information, the position you’re applying—here are five more items that every well-written resume needs to have.

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Top Clerical Jobs with the Best Benefits

Secretaries and administrative assistants often perform a company’s organizational tasks, storing and filing documents and serving as a liaison to the public. They help schedule appointments and facilitate meetings. They’re needed in every industry and can make between $20 and $30 an hour, depending on the complexity of tasks. As a full-time employee, you’re eligible for full benefits, you maintain a regular, predictable schedule and get to leave work at work. A work-life balance is important.

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4 Reasons You Should Consider a Summer Seasonal Job

Summer is an exciting time for a lot of reasons! Now you can add “getting a summer job” to the list! In fact, summer brings a huge surge in job opportunities. Think tourism, agriculture, warehouse jobs, or even retail. If you can find a position that matches your skills, schedule and salary requirements, you can set yourself up for a better opportunity ahead. And if you don’t like it, at least it’s only temporary! Here are four reasons you should consider a summer job.

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